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Terms and Conditions

Making Sure Everyone Is On The Same Page

Roanoke Fiddle Lessons 


Student Expectations 

Have fun in your lessons and practice. If you or your child are not enjoying playing music, something is wrong. 

Please be on time. 

If you arrive early, please wait until your lesson time to text or ring the doorbell. Please do not knock on the door.

Procure all necessary materials for playing (instrument, case, shoulder rest, chin rest, rosin, finger guides, strings, music books, etc). If you are unsure, ask! I am happy to help. 

Bring all necessary materials (instrument, notebook, folder, sheet music, books, etc.) to each lesson. 

Practice regularly as is appropriate based on the age and ability of each student. We will discuss appropriate practice times.  

Keep your instrument tuned between each lesson. Practice should include tuning. 

Be an active participant in each lesson. 

Ask questions and let me know when further clarification is needed. 

Treat yourself, instruments, materials, my home, my pets, my family, and me with respect. 

Parents are welcome and encouraged to be present for their students’ lessons. However, I ask that parents not interfere with the normal course of the lesson. There may be times when a parent might think their student is being inattentive, disruptive, or asking irrelevant questions, but I will deal with any issues in the best way I know how in my music classroom. If I believe there is a serious behavior issue, I will alert the parent(s) and ask for their help. 


Teacher Expectations

I will attend every lesson on time and with all necessary materials. 

I will research and find appropriate music for the student to learn and play.

I will occasionally recommend that students purchase certain items. Some of them are essential (rosin, chinrest, shoulder rest, etc). 

Other items will be suggestions (music stand, humidifier, etc). These make playing easier and more enjoyable, but are not crucial to continuing lessons. All of my recommendations are based on more than 40 years of playing experience. 

When I make suggestions on what to buy, I will take into account the student’s budget. Please understand, there are certain items that are not worth buying if they are not of a minimum quality (as determined by my experience and assessment). 

I will explain things in a clear and understandable manner. 

I will show respect for the student, myself, all instruments, and all materials. 

I will modify, adapt, and prepare material that is appropriate to the age, ability, and unique learning style of each individual student. 

I will do my best to make each lesson enjoyable and rewarding. 

I will teach the principles of music and the instrument so that the student can gain the most out of their musical education. 

I will challenge students to go beyond what they think they can do. However, I will never deliberately set a student up for failure. 


Recitals and Workshops

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the regular recitals and workshops put on by Roanoke Fiddle Lessons. Further details will be made available to students as soon as possible. 

My goal is to get students comfortable with playing in front of other people. My goal is NOT to make students afraid. 


Lesson Schedule

Lessons are scheduled on a weekly basis in 45-minute increments. Once a day/time is agreed upon, that time will be reserved for that student. 

Lessons are held year round.



No lessons will be held on Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday  or Christmas Day.

Snow Days/Inclement Weather

I do not follow the public school system when determining when to close due to inclement weather. 

I will notify the students of any cancellation or closing.  

Students will not be charged for lessons canceled by Roanoke Fiddle Lessons.



Students are expected to arrive at their lesson on time. Students arriving up to 15 minutes late may have the remainder of their scheduled lesson. However, I reserve the right to not add missed time to the end of the lesson. 

If I am running late for any reason, I will let you know via text. 



Life happens. Emergencies come up. If a student cancels a lesson more than two hours before the lesson time, they will not be charged for that lesson. However, if a student cancels less than two hours before their lesson, they will be charged for that lesson. 

Regardless of how much notice is given, if a student makes a habit of canceling lessons (ie, four cancelled weeks in a row), I reserve the right to terminate lessons. 

I reserve the right to cancel a lesson for any reason. No charges will be assessed if I must cancel a lesson. Students will not be charged for any missed lessons due to my absence. 


Makeup Policy

I will offer makeup lessons on a case-by-case basis, based on my availability and that of the student. 


Termination of Lessons

Students may cancel their lessons at any time. However, if you have pre-paid for lessons, no refunds or pro-rate will be offered for any unused lessons.


Lesson Rates

Please understand that when committing to lessons, I am reserving a specific day/time for you that cannot be filled by other customers/students. Therefore, you are not only paying for each individual lesson that occurs, but for that time slot. 

Your lesson rate includes all of the following: Allotted time for lessons, Reservation of the assigned day/time of your lesson, Time I spend preparing for lessons, Time I spend after lessons assessing the student’s progress, My knowledge, experience, and expertise.



I accept PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Google Pay, Check, and Cash. I do not accept credit card payments. A $4 surcharge will be added to PayPal payments. I do not accept payment in-kind. 

A $20 fee will be charged for all returned checks. 

Lesson plans

Each 45-minute lesson: $35

Four pre-paid 45-minute lessons (due at the start of the cycle): $120


See above for policies regarding when the pre-paid lessons will be charged or used.

I reserve the right to raise lesson rates. Students will be given at least one month notice before any new rates are applied.


There are certain items that are essential for playing music, beyond just the instrument. For violin/fiddle and viola students, these include, but are not limited to: violin/viola//fiddle, bow, strings, chinrest, shoulder rest, instrument case, music book(s), finger guide (when appropriate), rosin, tuner. If students do not have these items, I will not be able to teach them effectively. 


I will occasionally print sheet music for students to learn, beyond what is in the course book. Sometimes, this music is not free and must be purchased online. Students will be responsible for the cost of such materials. This music and the cost will be agreed upon before making any purchases.

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